“The Bloggers do blogging on the Blog .
What is the blog, and Easy definition of the Blog?
As you have heard in an old phrase,
“Books are the real friends.”
Calm down! relax, I am not going to tell you to start reading a ton of books (Although, this is not bad at all).
If you want to fully utilize your time, spend it while reading useful articles.
Blogs and online available information are the modern version of the book even books are also available online.
Blog is an awesome source for a knowledge seeker, An excellent medium to connect people based on their interest.
You can imagine it as a teacher. If you are a blogger and want to write a blog post on any topic, you have to read about the topic.
Sounds boring! No, It is not. Because here you will write in your own style.
“Your passion, your's way.”
The meaning of a blog is, a type of website that used as an online personal diary.
In which a blogger add content in the form of informative text, mind blowing images, videos, audios, animation (GIF), and PDF links.
It is an open platform for a blog writer to connect with like-minded people.
As there is a lot of ways to know what is the blog, but one can fully understand it by starting a blog on a free available blogging platform.
So the informal definition of blog can be, a blog is a way to improve the lives of the Blogger and the readers by sharing useful information.
Definition of Blog
The blog is a type of website on which a single person (Blogger), or many persons on the behalf of a company, writes constantly about a topic, event, or problem.
Usually, they use interesting photos and hyperlinks in the blog.
The written article is called “Blog Post” and display as LIFO (Last In First Out). The recent blog posts display at the top of the blog list.
What is the purpose of blog, for what purposes do companies use blogs?
I like digital marketing, and my friend likes gadgets, you may like cooking, and so on.
Different persons, different choices.
But still, it will be fruitful to explain the purpose of a blog.
What is the purpose of the blog?
There can be many purposes to start a blog. A blog may be used as personal or managed by a group of organizations.
The main and frank purpose is to get a higher ranking on the search engines to increase visibility, which will increase the chances of earning.
You may have your own reason for blogging, but we cannot ignore the strengths of blogs.
What is the purpose of a blog post?
The blog post is an interesting and important part of a blog. The reason behind creating a blog achieve with them.
Through a blog post a blogger share thoughts, solution, and useful things with others knowledge diggers.
Search engines like fresh and useful informative content and convey them to readers in search results.
By getting a good number of visitors and a higher rank on the Google-like search engines can fulfill your purpose that may be for fame, knowledge sharing, social service, earning money.
Importance of Blogging
Gaining visitors is a slow process and needs a lot of patience.
There are some common purposes that will help us in exploring the importance of blog-
1. To Follow the Passion: As we know, Blogging is a passion itself but except this anybody can follow his/her passion through a blog.
There are many blogs on different niches, these blogs are managed by experts and by the persons who have an interest in those niches.
These strategies are good for both the blogger (writer) and the reader (visitors).
For Example, Tech Blog, Health Blog, Art Blog, etc.
2. To Connect With Like-Minded People: A blog is a good medium to connect with like-minded people.
A blogger’s audiences are often the people who have an interest in his/her niche.
They can write comments against a post and tell to improve or can request to write a post on a particular subject or problem.
Improvement in post quality drive more traffic on the blog and increase the chances to connect with like-minded people.
3. Branding: Blog plays a vital role in brand building. Branding is like a reputation for a person. It cannot be purchased, It is earned slowly day by day.
Branding of a person or company is very important to earn money or to fulfill a dream.
4. Purpose of a blog for business: It’s very tough to get customers for a new business. Managing a blog somehow helps in bringing visitors to the business website.
Improvement in the sales, business leads, the advertisement can be a purpose of a blog for business.
If a business website is an online space for a business, a business blog is like an outlet of your business.
5. Knowledge Sharing: A blog is undoubtfully a good source for knowledge sharing.
A single blog post can contain a great amount of knowledge, that could be accessed by a large number of people simultaneously.
6. Lead Generation: A blog may tell the qualities of a product, and can suggest a seller or service provider.
This helps in lead generation and provides proper guidance to customers too. It helps to beware of any fraud.
These purposes answer more clearly the question - what is the purpose of blog website?
So why delay? Best of luck with your blogging career.
Blog Structure
Information seems more attractive and interesting if displayed using a structured way.
A blog structure is chosen as per the ease of visitors. It may different for different niche.
A custom blog can be designed too according to the demand of a blogger.
But more the less a blog structure is divided in 4 standard sections-
- Header Area: It contains a logo, navigation menu, and some times social media links too.
- Content Area: It holds a snippet of trending or latest posts.
- Right Panel/Side Panel: It displays related posts, category/topics, subscriber form, and etc.
- Footer Area: It contains overall all links of the blog including privacy policy, terms & conditions, disclaimer, sitemap, and etc.
Types of blogs
There are various types of blogs used for different purposes. These are designed and managed to display content accordingly.
You can choose your blog type according to your selected niche and can use a theme accordingly.
Blogs type can be categorized as follows-
- Personal Blogs: Written and managed by one author.
- Group Blogs: Written and managed by more than one author.
- Micro Blogs: Used to post small digital content.
- Organizational Blogs: Managed by an organization for branding and trust gaining.
- Business Blogs: It focuses on earning from blogs using different monetization terms.
- Genre/Niche Blogs: These based on a single topic and provide deep knowledge on that topic.
- Media Blogs: This includes vBlog, photoblog, and etc.
- Affiliate Blogs: Generates income through commissions by selling third party products.
- Reverse blog: Contents in these blogs are managed by users instead of the owner.
- News Blogs: In this blog many news sources/agencies add their news.
What is the difference between blogs and websites?
The difference between blogs and websites are not so broad, Even we can say apparently it uses inheritance.
A blog inherits the properties of the website.
Often people use blogs and websites interchangeably but it is not a good habit.
Blogs and websites are slightly different in nature. We must know the role of these two.
If you are going to start a website or a blog, some facts you must know before starting-
Blog Is A Website: The blog is also a type of website. It may be called a subclass of the website superclass.
A blog get inherits the basic functionalities of a website. -
Blogs Are Updated Frequently: In the blogs, contents are updated regularly, weekly manner in the form of a blog post.
These blog posts are displayed in LIFO (Last In First Out) or reverse chronological fashion.
Website contents are not updated frequently.
Different In Nature: Blogs are dynamic in nature, on the other hand, the websites are static/less-dynamic in nature.
Blogs Can Be Part Of The Websites: Blogs can be a part of websites but it is not necessary that every website has a blog.
Companies/Organizations often managed a blog on their website to keep updated their customers about new products, offers, events, and news.
They also provide guidelines for using the company’s product through blogs. -
Blog As a Hobby: A blog may be started as a hobby by a person but websites are often managed by companies.
Comment Features: Blogs use comment functionality to interact with their visitors.
A website collects feedback and inquiries by using the forms.
What is the difference between blog and vlog?
Blog and vlog are different in many ways and uses a different platform for publication.
The vblog is a short form of video-blog, uses video as content.
The difference between blog and vblog can be defined as follows-
Blog uses content in the form of text, image, videos, and audios whereas a vblog uses video only.
Blogs are often a type of website but vblog uses other mediums to publish.
Wordpress, Blogger, and custom websites are popular sources to publish the blog. The vblog mostly uses Youtube, Vimeo, Facebook, and others to post a video blog.
Blogs use Adsense, affiliates, and other sources to generate income. A vblog uses ads-video, and Adsense to generate income.
Although there are many platforms who allow to post both type of blog, blog as well as vblog too.
For example, Facebook, Twitter, Linked In, etc.
What is blogging and how does it work?
Blogging is an art to convert expressions and knowledge in words.
The evolution of blogging took place in some interesting phases. In the starting, the purpose of blogging was not so clear as it is now.
The meaning of blogging is to written posts by a blogger on a blog. This blog post may be written for a purpose or to solve a problem.
The origin of the blog is identified from the “Online Diary” in 1994, on which people used to write about the little events of their lives.
You may found it odd that these people were known as diarists, journalists, or journalers.
In starting, the posts were updated using HTML (HyperText Markup Language) and displayed in reverse chronological order.
Blog popularity had been influenced by political impact on it in 2002 by a United State based politician.
After these important phases of the blog journey, we are using modern blogging today.
You can understand what is blogging by reading a simple definition of blogging given in the next section.
Definition of Blogging
Blogging is a stunning art to show the knowledge in written form, It gives a textual shape to thoughts, solutions, and useful information.
In formal words, we can say it is a bundle of skills that a blogger show to managed a blog on a niche.
These things are done with the help of webpages in which a blogger writes, edits, and updates the blog.
The Benefits of Blogging
We can see the advantages of blogging in many aspects of life as well as businesses. You can't deny it after knowing well about it.
The blogging has many benefits, some of them are-
Knowledge Sharing Platform: Blogging is a great knowledge-sharing platform on which a blogger can share his/her knowledge with visitors.
Easy and Compact To Use: A blog is very handy in use. A blogger can update it via a computer or mobile.
It can be managed while traveling too, just with an internet connection. -
Helps in Earning Money: Blogging helps in earning money with some available monetization methods such as Google Adsense, Affiliate Marketing, and local ads.
Money is very necessary to achieve the goal or fulfill a mission. Because blog maintenance needs money too. -
Meaningful Interaction With Visitors: In blogging an interaction is made via comments that are entered against a post.
These comments are very helpful to improve the blog’s content quality. -
Good For Branding: Blogging is a good medium for brand building.
Blogging increases the brand awareness among the people. A company or a blogger keeps the blog up to date by posting articles frequently.
Google likes new content with good quality. So blogs are very useful for ranking in search engines.
Ranking plays a big role in branding and lead generation.
Blogging topics
Before start blogging one should take care of a topic. This topic is very important for blogging.
The blog writer gives his/her best to tell more about that topic by giving some information on the various related subjects of those topics.
A blogger may write a post giving the solution of a problem in that topic.
Blogging topics are also known as blog niche. These may be understood as a category.
After Google’s new algorithm update, it is clear now that a niche blog has the most advantages than a niche-less blog.
Niche may be from your daily life stuffs.
For example, a gadget blog can managed posts on mobile phones, A food blog may describe the different types of foods, etc.
Future Of Blogging
Is blogging dead now?
What are the benefits of blogging when people don’t have time to read it?
Well, The answer to all these questions is a big "No".
Blogging is an active source of useful knowledge, it is connection readers and writers via a middle platform.
Humans are curious by nature since the epoch of cave dwellers.
Blogging style may change but blogging will stay till the curious persons stay.
Dear bloggers, don’t worry and keep blogging.
Who is a Blogger and What is a blogger's responsibilities?
Blogging has been popular continuously for a long time. Its popularity is because of its creativity and usefulness.
In these days we are living in the age of the digital world, almost everything is online.
Online resources are used to get information about various things, People like to learn and shows curiosity toward updated information.
A blogger keeps up to date useful-information by writing a blog post that is intended to enhance the knowledge of readers or to solve a problem.
Some Bloggers adopt blogging as a full-time job and participate in the noble deed of knowledge sharing.
Definition of Blogger
A blog is managed by a person, and he/she is called a Blogger.
A blogger looks after all activity on the blog and works toward improvement in delivering high-quality content.
Who is a blogger
A blogger is a person just like you or me. Anyone can be a blogger who believes in knowledge sharing with people.
The nature of most bloggers are full of creativity. They give amazing textual shapes to knowledge and great ideas for solving a particular problem.
What is mean by blogger & What a blogger does
A blogger writes useful articles and gives his/her opinion to targeted audiences.
Bloggers participate in delivering the best possible solution for a problem.
By doing this, they play a vital role in the welfare of this society.
What makes a good blogger
No one is a blogger by birth. There some qualities that make a good blogger-
- Creativity
- Dedication
- Patients
- Self Learner
- Curious
By adapting these qualities one can become a successful and good blogger.
A blog post example, to know What is a blog post?
Give a look at my blog post. Mostly blog post seems similar to it.
A blog post is an article written by a blogger on his/her blog.
The chosen subject of the blog post can by detail information about a technology or anything else.
It may be a solution to a problem.
For a blog post example visit below link-
5 Best free blogging platforms
There are many blogging platform available today, some of them are free and some are paid.
The top 5 best free blogging platforms are-
- Wordpress
- Blogger
- Tumblr
- Medium
By using these platform anyone can start blogging within minutes.
Moral Of The Story:
Dear readers, after finding the answers to what is the purpose of blog, what is the blog, you can use the blog to follow your passion.
The definition of blog, blogging, and blogger tells much to understand the purpose of a blog.
After knowing who is a blogger and how creative the blogging is, it motivates a lot to start a blog.
Friends, I’ll really appreciate it if you tell me your views on what is the purpose of blog in general life.
I really, really need your comments.
Be safe, stay in touch.
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