Digital marketing

15 quick ways to reduce bounce rate (Alert: 7th is marvelous)

14 Dec , 2020 - infoMogli 1 Comments
15 quick ways to reduce bounce rate

The bounce rate of a blog or website is quite an essential factor. By keeping an eye on your blog/website bounce rate, you can improve your blog’s “busy time” that is owned by your readers.

I think you don’t like it (either I), a low bounce rate is good for SEO and indicates the good health of your site.

You should know what is a bounce rate and how to reduce the bounce rate?

There are several ways to reduce bounce rate, the high bounce rate, as you can see in your Google Analytics means people leave your blog/website after viewing your page.

Do you like that people leave your blog just after scanning the page? I don’t think so.

So let’s find out some ways to improve the stickiness of the visitors. I hope you will find some solution in this article.


What is a bounce rate? Know about bounce rate formula

As a blogger, the bounce rate is a matter of interest for me, sometimes it makes me happysmiley and sometimes brings a little sadnesssad.

I see it as a personal motivation, like exam results with marks that tell me that I had done great, or I will have to prepare more.

Whether the bounce rate good or bad teaches me a lot of things, it a rare kind of Guru.

What is a bounce rate

You should know about the high, low, and average website bounce rate, it helps a lot in the improvement of your blog/website.

Google Analytics is a good enough bounce rate checker tool to track your blog/website’s overall performance.

A bounce is not directly under the control of the blog/website owner, and It might occur due to many reasons:

  1. Due to close the web browser
  2. Bad visibility of post content
  3. Miss management of content
  4. Clicking on an external link
  5. Going back to search results
  6. Opening a new URL in the web browser’s address bar
  7. Due to high page load time
  8. Because of inactive users
  9. Reading the whole page, but do not click anywhere and leave.

Bounce rate formula

You can do bounce rate calculation by using the formula given below.

Rb = ( Tv / Te )

The equation above is the bounce rate equation, where the meaning of the Rb, Tv, and Te are,


Rb= Bounce rate

Tv= Total number of visitors viewing a page

Te= Total number of entries to a page

No need for any specific bounce rate formula, just keep using it with the Google search console, you will find your jackpot one day.


What is a bounce rate?


definition of bounce rate


As the word “Bounce” indicates, the visitors keep jumping from your blog’s webpage to another blog’s webpage, after just seeing the look of your blog’s page.


What does the bounce rate mean?

If people are not staying longer at your page, it means they leave it immediately or after losing patience.

It increases the bounce rate, and you should know that what is bounce rate mean, it makes you a better writer to keep engaging your readers.

A high bounce rate means your blog post is boring and unable to solve a particular problem.


Briefly identify the average bounce rates by website type

When we see a high bounce rate in GooglAnalytics, we become worried, and many negative thoughtssad come into our minds.
average bounce rates by website type

We started looking for the reasons behind it, and why visitors are not staying at the post. 


Don’t Be Negative

If you are one of them, do not worry, be easy because not every bounce rate needs to be negative.

It depends on the type of website you have, and different sites have different bounce rates according to their purpose.

Don’t Be Negative


So you should focus on examining your blog performance, don’t be hasty try to learn from your competitors.


Stop Non-Relevant Comparision


Stop Non-Relevant Comparision

You should not compare your blog/website to any other blog/website, different blogs/websites contain specific content according to their niche or purpose that may affect their bounce rate.


Comparing a digital marketing blog with an eCommerce website is like comparing a “Banana” with a “Mobile Phone,” please don’t do that.smiley


Have a look into average bounce rate for websites-


Website Type

Average Bounce Rate

Blogs, Portals, Dictionaries, News, and Events

65% – 90%

B2B (Business to Business ) websites

25% – 55%

E-commerce, Online Shops, and retail websites

20% – 45%

Lead generation, Affiliate marketing websites

30% – 55%

Non-eCommerce content websites

35% – 60%

Landing pages

60% – 90% 


What does bounce rate mean google analytics?

What does bounce rate mean google analytics?

As you can see in the above image, there is an excellent way to find the bounce rate in your blog’s Google Analytics.

Here you can track your blog’s daily, weekly, monthly, and customized bounce rate.

The unobstructed view of the bounce rate helps in improving the blog/website, you can compare your current bounce rate with the previous.


What is an average bounce rate?


Website Type

Average Bounce Rate

Blogs, Portals, Dictionaries, News, and Events

65% – 90%

B2B (Business to Business ) websites

25% – 55%

E-commerce, Online Shops, and retail websites

20% – 45%

Lead generation, Affiliate marketing websites

30% – 55%

Non-eCommerce content websites

35% – 60%

Landing pages

60% – 90% 



What is considered a good bounce rate?


Website Type

Good Bounce Rate

Blogs, Portals, Dictionaries, News, and Events

Less than 65% 

B2B (Business to Business ) websites

Less than 25%

E-commerce, Online Shops, and retail websites

Less than 20% 

Lead generation, Affiliate marketing websites

Less than 30% 

Non-eCommerce content websites

Less than 35%

Landing pages

Less than 60% 



What is a high bounce rate?


Website Type

High Bounce Rate

Blogs, Portals, Dictionaries, News, and Events

Greater than 90%

B2B (Business to Business ) websites

Greater than 55%

E-commerce, Online Shops, and retail websites

Greater than 45%

Lead generation, Affiliate marketing websites

Greater than 55%

Non-eCommerce content websites

Greater than 60%

Landing pages

Greater than 90% 


15 Ways to reduce bounce rate, and what is a good bounce rate?

There are so many ways to reduce bounce rate but explaining all of them is a little difficult and can make you sleep too. smiley

So I don’t want to be the cause of your boredom, that’s why I am picking some of them to explain here.

The bounce rate and conversion rate are correlated with each other, and you can increase your conversion rate by reducing the bounce rate of your blog.

With the help of the Google Analytics bounce rate chart, we can apply some content strategies to make our blog better.

The bounce rate should be taken as a signal to need for improvement in your blog, and these improvements can be-

  • Improve Blog Functionality
  • Look After Content Quality
  • Change In Content Marketing Strategies
  • Work On Onpage and Offpage SEO

As a Blogger and Web Developer, I know the importance of bounce rate fluctuations.

A sudden increase in the bounce rate can be very painful for a blogger.

I observed many different kinds of issues during my job, and in the light of my work experience, I feel that many molecular and broad level issues will not arise if we use the correct strategy at the right time.  

So here I am sharing some solutions with you to take care of the bounce rate of your blog as well as other factors of promotion.


1. Make Your Content Easy To Read 

The reduced content formatting is a reason for to high bounce rate if your visitors will be unable to read your content they will leave immediately.

Be careful at the time of selection of font-style, font-color, and font-size. These are very important for making your content highly readable.

I don't like to use massive chunks of text because it looks wrong and clumsy.


 don't like to use massive chunks of text because it looks wrong and clumsy


I usually add a line break after completing two lines or four lines, and it seems excellent to readers.

add a line break after completing two lines


I don’t know what your writing style is, please let me know about that.

Here I am writing some of my observation as tips for helping you to write easy to read content-

  • Be choosy at the time of selection of font-style, font-color, and font-size.
  • Do not use big chunks of text; use a line break after 2 or 4 lines instead.
  • Apply CSS for giving line-height to your text, and it will add extra readability.
  • Take care of text-alignment, choose “justify” for desktop, and “left” for mobile.
  • Use subheadings to grab the attention of your readers/visitors.
  • Add bullet lists at relevant places in your post, and it will make the concept clear to readers.
  • Use attractive pictures, charts, screenshots, video, gif, infographic, and useful quotes (your own or any famous person) at the right place.
  • Interact with your visitors, ask questions from them so that they can feel like an active participant.
  • Increase the interactivity of your blog.
  • Give “conclusion” at the time of finishing your content, use bold or subheading for conclusion.

You can use to check the readability score of your content.


Reading Tip :


2. Use Simple Words To Write Post 

A blogger always want to explain his/her solution to readers, the main purpose behind a blog post can be-

  • Solution of any problem

  • Share blogging experience

  • To explain a topic in detail to share knowledge.

More purposes are behind writing a blog post. 

The most important part of an article to make it easy to read for your readers. 

The use of simple words in English will reduce the bounce rate of your blog. A simple conversational tone is delightful for all categories of readers. 

When they understand your words, they keep reading and interacting. This reduces the bounce rate.


3. Make User-Friendly Navigation For Your Blog

The visitors of your blog want easy navigation on which they didn't need to add any extra effort. 

Visitors are often lazy in nature, and they expect to grab useful content on a single click, easy navigation push him to go further in your blog. 

Try to use clear and interactive navigation to engage your visitors, take care of your blog theme; don’t hide any navigation link behind a popup, banner, and any CSS effects. 

Have you any idea what visitors will do if visitors unable to see the required buttons or link that is needed? 

They will leave your blog/website immediately. It is bitter but true. 

You cannot control your visitors because your blog navigation is in control of them, not yours. 

Some tips for making a secure, user-friendly navigation are-

  1. Use fixed/Freezing header menu
  2. Use the “scroll to top” link at the bottom
  3. Add smooth scroll to the main headings in a blog post
  4. Try to show all the useful and vital links on every page.
You will have to understand when a visitor comes to your blog the first time he/she sees your blog design and navigation after that start reading your content.  

So the design, font, navigation are like the physical appearance of your blog, and your content is like a conversation for him/her.

Never underestimate the power of the FIRST impression.

4. Do Not Irritate Your Visitors

It is not easy to make readers of your blog, and there are a ton of blogs over the Internet, visitors have a lot of choices. 

Therefore don’t use those actions that can irritate your visitors. 

Be careful at the time of using popups, advertising banners, and subscription forms. 

Frequent appearing popups can be very irritating for your visitors, and they can lose interest in reading your blog post. 

After losing interest or after becoming irritated, they can leave immediately, and it will result in a high bounce rate.


5. Improve Your Page Load Time

Do you know the importance of site speed for users? I think you already know, but I find it my obligation to tell you. 

The ideal page load time that users/visitors expect is 2 seconds or less. After 3 seconds, they will leave your site for a better option that can be your competitor. 

Google also prefers the webpage with less load time. It will help in getting a better rank on google search results. 

Some common practice can help a lot in reducing your blog load time-

  1. Use light images (jpeg, webp)
  2. Use minified CSS and Javascript
  3. Reduce server request
  4. Use Cache techniques
  5. Use lazy image load
Slow load time can increase your bounce rate, and it will drop your Google ranking. 

So consider it as an important factor for your blog.


6. Do Internal Linking Carefully - Select USEFUL Links

Internal linking is one of the acceptable factors in SEO, and it is also useful for readers. 

Linking relevant posts with each other can be helpful in reducing the bounce rate of your blog. 

When visitors start reading your article, and at a point where they need further explanation to find a relevant link, they click that link to know the detail. 

This type of action improves your bounce rate and keep your visitors engage with your blog. 

Don’t overuse the internal linking in an awful manner. It can irritate your visitors.


7. Increase Your Blog Interactivity

An interactive blog can perform much higher than a normal blog, and it is an important feature that should not ignore. 

Take care of website interactivity at the time of designing and developing your blog. 

It can be useful for your blog and can help in ranking,

  1. Makes your blog attractive
  2. Keep your visitors engage
  3. Improve the session time
  4. Reduce bounce rate
  5. Enhance user participation
  6. Help in affiliate marketing
 It can be considered as a notable requirement after the high-quality content.

8. Make Your Blog Responsive - Especially Mobile-Friendly

Making your blog responsive means your blog will be able to adjust itself according to different device screens. 

Have you checked your blog responsiveness? You should check properly to get more traffic. 

There several ways to check the responsiveness of your website-

  1. Google’s mobile-friendly test tool
  2. Chrome DevTools

i). Google’s mobile-friendly test tool

  1. Open Google’s mobile-friendly test tool in a web browser.
  2. Enter your blog/post URL into the text box.
  3. Click on the “Test URL” button.
  4. See and read the result.

ii). Chrome DevTools

  1. Open the Chrome web browser.
  2. Open your blog/website into the Chrome web browser.
  3. Press mouse right-click, and choose “inspect”

  4. Development tool popup window will be open, click on the “Toggle device toolbar” icon.

  5. Your website view will be switched to something like this.

  6. Choose devices or responsive from the drop-down and see your mobile in different devices.


This is an era of smartphones and devices, people keep smartphones with them always in the pocket. It is like they keep your blog in the pocket.

For your information, for our assumption, we can see the visitors radio of the Facebook only,

  • 2.6 Billion per month  (As of the first quarter of 2020)     [Source: Statista]

  • 1.73 Billion per day    (During the first quarter of 2020)   [Source: Statista]

  • 98% mobile-only users   [Source: Statista]


I hope you can understand the importance of a mobile-friendly blog/website now.

It will reduce your blog’s bounce rate by giving a friendly user-experience to the visitors.

9. Keep Updating Your Blog With Latest Content

Bloggers write a blog to share their knowledge with others. Technologies are changing rapidly. A blog post can be outdated after some months or years.

Outdated information is annoying and almost useless for readers, so you should keep updating information in blog posts.

Google also likes FRESH and updated content, and it’s also beneficial for your readers.

You can imagine, you have written a blog post about a ranking factor that was in 2010, and it has been changed now.

Your visitors find your old blog useless and immediately leave your blog and lose trust.

That’s why the updated content is a helping hand to reduce the bounce rate of your blog.


10. Storytelling To Visitors

Storytelling is a great and my favorite method, and it needs honesty, motivation, and courage to share your story with your readers.


Make A Bond: It is a medium to interact with readers and make a hearty bond with them.


Storytelling is like a wire to talk with your audiences.  


But we should use it carefully, and it should be honest with readers.


Give Up Hesitation: Don’t be hesitate to share your little issues and how you handled them with audiences.


How you had faced the up and downs of your blogging career, what were your feelings at that time.


Be Honest: People like reality and truth, it’s the basic nature of humans. Honesty is the best policy to gain the trust of readers.


Give Attention To Readers: Your readers need attention in your article, mention him/her at the time of writing a blog post.


Ask about their experiences, thoughts, views, and suggestions on the topic on which you have published the post. 


11. Prepare Content Truthfully 

Trust is the main spice in the making of a brand, once you gain the trust of your readers, 50% of your branding journey is done.


You should use reliable sources to do your research before writing the blog post. It’s very important.


It is seriously needed for a brand if people visit your blog, and after reading a long article, they found it useless and lousy, how will they feel?


Like someone has cheated on them. It can be painful and a wastage of time for them.


Some precautions you can take before writing a blog post-

  • Use reliable sources to research.

  • Mention your sources wherever it is necessary.

  • Don’t still content of others; just grab the idea.

  • Use relevant and attribution free images.

  • Use the diagram to explain if needs.

  • Share your idea with readers.


12. Easy To Search Content

Searching is a functionality through which a visitor asks for the content of his/her interest. 


After a long time, you cannot display every post of your blog. Webpages have limited space to display content.


At this point, search functionality works as your blog’s employee who delivered the content of demand.


Smooth Functionality: Search functionality should be simple, fluid, and user-friendly. It should not hank during use.


Use Auto Suggestion: Use auto-suggestion for the convenience of your visitors. It helps them to find the right content.


Correct Result: Manage your searching in a way that a reader got the relevant information.


Don’t make it very strict; a repetition of “No Result Found” can be bad for your blog.


Show related posts on the search result page.


13. Try To Bring The Right Visitors

Only high traffic cannot be considered genuine for any website; instead, it is more important to bring the right visitors to your website.


High traffic can result in a high bounce rate if it is not the traffic of the right visitors.


If you are blogging about “Digital Marketing” and your audiences are coming to see the information about “Health Care Products,” it is useless and increase the bounce rate.


You should try to do some practice to get the right audience-


On Social Media: If you have a page on Facebook for digital marketing, try to connect with the right audience via your page.


These audiences can be-

  1. Business owners with a website
  2. Bloggers
  3. Digital Marketing experts
  4. IT Companies
  5. Students are having an interest in IT.

Analyze Your Audience: Keep analyzing your audiences. It will help you in understanding your viewers and in choosing the right strategy for your content marketing.

Ads Campaigns: With the right campaigns for your audience can work great and improve your bounce rate.

With the help of different analytical tools, you can know about the interest and behavior of your audiences and can launch an ad campaign accordingly.


14. Design Call-To-Action Smartly To Engage The Readers

A good CTA (Call To Action) is a need after getting the right audience with your different digital marketing strategies.

Your CTA should be compelling and appealing for your visitors to engage them, it can reduce the bounce rate.

A CTA can involve these simple things-

  • A button with interactive text
  • Free trail tools
  • Free video tutorial subscription
  • PDF on subscription
  • Webinar
  You can achieve CTA by using your resource and web designing carefully.

15. Open External Links Into New Window

We often forget to set external links opening in a new window. This can irritate the readers and can result in a high bounce rate.


You can feel it as a user or visitor when you visit a web page, and your current page disappears after clicking a link on the page.


It breaks the reading flow and increases the chance of exit the page and increases the bounce rate.


Suppose if you didn’t set the external links to open into the new window and your reader finds the external link website more enjoyable, he/she can forget about your blog/website.


Don’t take that risk and set external links into a new window.


We can plan a better content marketing strategy after knowing what is a bounce rate, and after learning how to reduce the bounce rate.


There can be several ways to reduce bounce rate, which can work for you can better understand by personal observation.


Reading Suggestions:


Let’s Find A Conclusion: The bounce rate is the most crucial part of your website’s health and SEO.


An improved bounce rate is an indication that you are doing well.


Tell me about your experience while improving your bounce rate. It will be helpful for all of us.


Don’t forget to share this post with others.



Zainab Shah

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